HomeCollector's GuideIndexNew Zealand

Carriers in New Zealand


bullet Air Coromandel
bullet Airlines of New Zealand - see SPANZ South Pacific Airlines of New Zealand
bullet Air Nelson
bullet Air New Zealand
bullet Ansett New Zealand - see Qantas New Zealand
bullet Capital Air - see James Air
bullet Eagle Air
bullet James Air
bullet Mount Cook Airlines
bullet NAC - National Airways Corp.
bullet Nationwide Aviation.
bullet Newmans Air - see Qantas New Zealand
bullet New Zealand National Airways Corp - see NAC National Airways Corp.
bullet Origin Pacific Airways
bullet Qantas New Zealand
bullet SPANZ - South Pacific Airlines of New Zealand
bullet Stewart Island Flights
bullet Tasman Pacific Airlines - see Qantas New Zealand
bullet Taupo Air Services
bullet TEAL - Tasman Empire Air Lines - see Air New Zealand
bullet Trans Pacific Airlines of NZ - see Qantas New Zealand
bullet Wairarapa Airlines
bullet West Coast Airways



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